প্রশিকা মানবিক উন্নয়ন কেন্দ্র নিয়োগ
PROSHIKA- A Centre for Human Development, this very name depicts its organizational values and
development ideology. PROSHIKA is the acronym of three Bangla words- Proshikhan (training), Shikhan
(education) and Kaj (action).
PROSHIKA officially came into existence in 1976. After the liberation war ended 1971, in the wake of
that devastation, Canadian University Service Overseas (CUSO), Logistic Centre Dhaka, was operating
relief work in Bangladesh. For better operation of relief work CUSO used to organize the youth groups
that were committed to socio-cultural and economic development, and also enlightened with the spirit
of the war. Eventually, they realized that relief work was not the permanent solution of socio-economic
development of the rural sector. Hence, the idea shifted from the relief work to building up a
Bangladeshi organization through which social and economic development work could be implemented
making it a social and economic wheel to reach down trodden, poor and destitute people of the country
in the most efficient way possible.
Keeping this idea in mind a group of youth decided to setup a Bangladeshi organization, which came to
be known as PROSHIKA. It was a Bangladeshi NGO created by the united effort of many committed
young people who worked in the CUSO in 1975.
Later, in October 1976 this youth group established PROSHIKA with due permission of the Government
and got registration from appropriate authority. Initially, this program was started in Dhamrai, Bhairab,
Ulania, Kotowali areas of Dhaka, Kishoregonj, Barisal and Comilla districts respectively.
Behind the ideas of establishing PROSHIKA were to make a just, secular and a democratic society that
will ensure well-being of the poor people.
This ideology encouraged them to build group for both men and women. Along with this, multiple
initiatives were also taken to eradicate the prevalent rise of poverty. Some of these being
Prosika Job Circular 2022
প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম: প্রশিকা মানবিক উন্নয়ন কেন্দ্র
নিয়োগের বিস্তারিত নিচের ছবিতে
Job Source: Click Here
Prosika Job Circular 2022
আরো নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন
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